Head shots.....and more...

Maria and I. We grew up together in Denmark and we are the bestest of friends. I haven't seen her in a long time and this is what happens when we get together in downtown Zadar, Croatia...

"Hey mom, look what we found..."
"See what happens when you two girls get together... *sigh*

Take a bit of time off to meditate and live the new word...

"Hey, this must be how Adam and Eve felt at one point..."

Maria told me to look dead, and this is the result... Not sure if she'll ever ask that of me again...

No head shots yet... but they will come

A glorious shot of the beach and my marvelous friend who I grew up with. She had the decency to visit me while I am here...

So nice...


Here are a few pictures that I took yesterday. The other one on my previous post was from the net, but here is the real deal. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. And no, it's not photoshoped :P

Where am I...?

This is where I am residing these days... Isn't it great?

Back to London...

I'm back in London, but just a little memory of Ireland. nothing like a good Guiness on those "hot" days...

More of Elaina...

Swedish Chef Makes Spaghetti

Dedicated to all the Italians. What too much Pasta will do to you...