Free Hugs

We had a witnessing trip with the teens giving free hugs, with pictures to tell the tale...


So I've been teaching Kika and hanging out with her for the past week so after that I thought she is definitely worth a post. 
She's got a great sense of humor and extremely cute. All to say, I'm really glad I came here. 
I'll let the pictures speak for themselves as well.

Her new kitty; Ginger Bread.

Kika and Cielo

Kika and I on the merry-go-around.

Inspiration time with Uncle Zeb

Yes, you read right. This morning we had 'Inspiration time with Uncle Zeb.' And I'm not talking about no video here, I'm talking about the real deal. So while all you people are stuck out there with the video, we are privileged to have Zeb in the flesh in our home. Wohoo, rock on Zeb!

Yes, I am still alive...

It was a close call though... I am now in Guadalajara, Mexico. I am sorry for my absence, I am however full of very valid excuses as to why I have disappeared for a bit. At first there was jet lag, which I might add is completely overrated. Then I got some sort of Mexico bug which left me with a high fever and unable to keep food or water down. After having been to the doctor where I got injected with all sorts antibiotics, pain meds, fluids etc. I am now up and around again. My last and final excuse is of course that I haven't had a computer up untill and few days ago. Now I do, and we are very happy together. 

All that to say, now I am back, and will be here for quite some time updating my blog and entertaining you. To start off, here are some pics of our house... I'm not sure what it looked like before, but apparently there has been a lot of construction work on it. Bless the menfolk!