Look what I did...

On the 27th of August, 2009 I gave birth to a (pretty big) baby BOY. Thats right, its a boy. Now that I think about it everyone who knows me just a bit would also know that a boy would suit me a whole lot better. Not to mention the fact that he is soooo incredibly handsome.
He was 52 cm long, and weighed 3670 grams.

1 min old...

A couple of hours later...

Some of my sisters and I with the only nephew in the family:D

Here he is today, as calm as can be. Such a handsome angel:D

They call me pregnant...

Here I am with 10 days to go before the baby comes (hopefully) assembling a changing table/drawer.

With a hammer, glue and a pregnant woman, anything is possible:P

Random happenings...

Sis and I on our way to Ikea for random/baby shopping. Totally unplanned that we're wearing the same colors:P

Beach Weather?

Here they are, going swimming in Denmark... With those clouds it looks like they are walking towards their doom.

And by god, they did it too. A moment when I thanked God I'm preggers, no pressure.:P