Happy New Year...

4 months

My beautiful boy is now 4 months old:)

His Christmas outfit:D Isn't he just handsome...

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas people. Wish you all a good year ahead of you.
(Didn't have time for any fancy wancy christmas card this year, so our happy smiling faces will have to do)

I'm too sexy for my hat :p

What one does when its freaking freezing:P

Snow snow snow...

Our "local" forrest;)

Santa Claus is in town...

"I don't get why I'm dressed like this."

Imagine if Santa was this cute:P

Tired from being out the whole morning showing off his cuteness:D

A fruitful experience

It's been a week now since I started giving him fruit. So far banana and pear, with pear being the preference. He really likes it (TG).
Here are the various faces to prove it:P

3 months

A walk to remember...

"The tree's are so pretty this time of year"

The tree's are still more interesting than taking a pic with mom:P

Silvies sense of fashion goes with the season;)

Various faces...


Tv face;)


I can't stop posting pics of him. I couldn't be a prouder mother, with looks, development the whole nine yards... So you're all just going to have to bare with me only posting pics of Teddy at the moment...

Through the eyes of love...

In the life of Teddy...

New teddy bear...

Seems happy with mommy's match-making.

2 months

Actually he's 2 months and a week, I've just been busy so I haven't posted this picture till now... Sorry son:D

As promised Merlin and Sam...

Getting cold...

Sleep faces...

"Pre" morning walk

On our way out for my morning walk, and his morning nap in the buggy...
Forgive the looks. He just wants to sleep already, and I'm running on overload;)

The man of my dreams...

1 month old...

3 weeks old...

Just three weeks old and already so accomplished...

He's perfected the art of putting one self to sleep with nothing more than a pacifier.

He's also learned how to comfort himself in the bathtub with his thumb, which turns out to be way more successful than his first bath...

He's mine...

Show and tell...

In case anyone was wondering this was the last photo taken before Teddy popped on out... Like 8 and a half months, and he came a few days later;)

My little man...

These pics are from when he was 5 days old...

"Don't mess with my mom"

His name is...

Theodore Asger Bjørkman

First bath...

His first bath was not very successful. I found out that he has a hefty pair of lungs, thats for sure.

On the other hand, he loves his towel.

Look what I did...

On the 27th of August, 2009 I gave birth to a (pretty big) baby BOY. Thats right, its a boy. Now that I think about it everyone who knows me just a bit would also know that a boy would suit me a whole lot better. Not to mention the fact that he is soooo incredibly handsome.
He was 52 cm long, and weighed 3670 grams.

1 min old...

A couple of hours later...

Some of my sisters and I with the only nephew in the family:D

Here he is today, as calm as can be. Such a handsome angel:D

They call me pregnant...

Here I am with 10 days to go before the baby comes (hopefully) assembling a changing table/drawer.

With a hammer, glue and a pregnant woman, anything is possible:P