Sexy Thing

A little laughter never hurt anyone...

Meet Bob

Bob is my new pet...

Home sweet home

After a long road trip there is nothing like coming home and celebrating like only we do...

Ricky's birthday, so here we are with birthday beer and kisses...

NOOO! Not my beer. Anything but the beer.

Just happy that the beer bottles in Mexico are as big as they are...

Cheesy grins galore

Good times... Good times...

Drink drink drink...

'Highlights' of our road trip...

On our way up to the States the kindly man in the middle gave us a glorious meal. 
(Don't ask about the hats or the tired faces...)

Co-driving in all its glory...

A little shut eye while the other driver takes the wheel. 

Last but not least, here we are with the car that was donated to us by Manuel. Bless his heart. Beautiful chevy lumina.

(Small disclaimer on the tired faces in all these pics, it was a long three weeks with minimal sleep. All to say its good to be home and I shall be posting happenings of what we do at home)

First impression...

I've been in Texas for almost three weeks now on a road trip. Lets hope that first impressions don't last...