Happy St. Patricks day...

We went witnessing today to celebrate the honor of St. Patrick... We painted little shamrocks on our cheeks. The boys did it as well but I wasn't able to catch a photo of it so the girls will have to suffice.

Stunning eh?

If you look real closely, you'll see the guys in the background eyeing out some hot chick. It's what they do best. You should see them in action. Lets just say I would stop for them...

And last but not least a real fire man let me take a picture with him. We actually did it for Natalia, but then I realized that he's kinda cute... He he...

All to say it was a day full of all kinds of happenings and souls were won, Activated went out and we are now back home completely knackered. But it was worth it for the ones that we'll see in our heavenly harem one day. (Whistle whistle)


Santi said...

i'm sure that Natti would have loved to be there with you and take a picture besides him :D