Welcome to 'The Rock'

(This is The Rock)

I just got back from another road trip to the south of Spain and Gibraltar. I spent a week away from home, and all in all it was very good.
In the space of one week, I met "top" people of huge organizations and saw monkey's with saggy tits... From 0-25 degrees.
All to say it was an interesting trip and I'll let most of the pictures speak for themselves... Enjoy!

This guy is giving us the keys to the kingdom. He stands at the border from Spain to Gibraltar.

This the view from the top of the rock. Well at least almost the top. Didn't have the heart (quite literally) nor the time to walk all the way up.

If you look closely in this pic you can see a little baby monkey in the tree.

And here is the famous "saggy tits" ape. Sorry it's not so focused, didn't want to get too close, I was a bit frightened...

And here is a shot for all you artsy fartsy people out there who like the queen...


Santi said...

they look like japanese monkeys, interesting... never been to Gibraltar myself :P so you can count yourself lucky oh, and you forgot to say that that piece of land that can be seen over the sea is Africa ;)

anyway, all in all i also wanted to say that i'm glad that you're back :) looking forward to see you again soon