A bugs life

Bob has crawled out of 'his' skin 3 times in the time that I've had 'him,' or should I say 'her.' 
I put another preying mantis in the cage with what I thought was a 'him.' Turns out that Bob is a female. She mated with the other mantis and then decided to eat him... It was true love, short but sweet I'm sure.

P.S. I'm going to the States for a couple of weeks, so I don't know how frequent I'll be updating. But expect something good when I get back...


Michelle said...

hah. such a pity u didnt catch the eatting of her lover

Vicky said...

I know, I would have taken a pic of it. I didn't want a picture of a half eaten body of the lover, so the pics that I did take is there....