Pros and Cons Pt. 2

Since I got pregnant I've been sleeping incredibly well... For those of you who know me know that I've had serious problems with sleep since I was 16, so this is an amazing feeling. 10 hours at night, 2-3 hour nap during the day. Fantastic!
Serious PRO!

However the nausea/vomiting every day at the thought, sight or smell of things or people is definitely a big CON!


Vicky said...

I know this comment will come so I'm just beating people to it...

"Enjoy your sleep while you have it, cus as soon as the little sucker is born blah blah..."

Thanks for the thought nonetheless people:P

whacky said...

vomiting at the thought of people, eh? lol!
At least you have the excuse of pregnancy to hide behind :-P

Marie said...

I didn't throw up at all during my pregnancy, just nausea 24/ yeh...not very pleasant.heh
But everyone's different.

C. L. said...

Congratulations Vicks! Happy for you and glad you're happy about it too! I'll pray for a girl...

Vicky said...

Yah its great what you can blame on pregnancy...

And Claire its been ages since I've talked to you, and I can't get on your blog cus I'm not invited, so I have no idea what's happening with you...
Hope all is well. lots of love

MZones1 said...

Man, it finally happened to you! Can't say I didn't warn you.... lol... Congratulations Vicks, you'll make a great mom!