Cute and cuddly...

I was just in England for 10 days to get the rest of my things so I can "officially move."
I am now back home in Spain, but here are a few shots of what I encountered on my visit.
(I tend to have a weak spot for taking pictures of kids, so for anyone who wants to see other people, go to someone else's blog:P)

Mr. Goofy himself. Always smiling, rarely cries, and loves silly things.

Notice the bubbles in this picture...

When he's not being goofy, he's being fed.

And when he's not being fed, he finds other things to eat. For example a beautiful library book. I feel for the next kid that borrows this book:P

Or his thumb... Simple and always around, makes for a good snack.

All the eating and goofing around finally makes him tired. And I believe that this kid can sleep anywhere. What a talented young man...


Anonymous said...

Cute, I like baby pics, and he's soooo cute, did you take those pics ... they're good!

Vicky said...

I take all the pictures that are on my blog... A personal hobbie of mine...

Anonymous said...

Pooch...ain't he just an awesome baby!