Those moments...

The story behind these pictures is that I was sitting at my computer for quite a while, and I decided "Hey, why not take some self portraits, people on my blog want to see that so why not..."
This is the outcome of that. I do however believe that perhaps the computer fried a lot of my brain.

Calmly sitting staring at my screen. And no it is not a prison, the bars are there simply to keep out the cats...

I'm glued to the tube... I just can't seem to take my eyes off my beautiful screen.

I finally manage to look at the camera... And when I do, yikes says I...


Anonymous said...

Such a cute face in the last pic...

Anonymous said...

you still look beautiful, even when you make goofy faces ... :P. Can't hide from it!! muwhahahaah!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah, I loves you, I do! Never afraid to be yourself and so pretty! Praying for you, Vicky, and so glad you are my friend and all we've been through together... x

Unknown said...

vida said what i wAnted to.