Blessed among women...

So here is the latest; I spent the week with my best friend who just happens to be PG as well. 
As usual there isn't a serious bone in our body when we're together, most of the time anyways. 
Enjoy the pics...




One for the Childcare Handbook...


Sam and Grace said...

Vicky you look so cute with your adorable baby bump! I'm looking forward to seeing more pics ;). We all miss you here in Cali! xxxx

Vicky said...

Aww thanks Grace. I miss you guys too. On Friday I'll have an ultra sound, so I'll be posting pics of that as well... Lots of love...

Bex said...

lmao!!! I can't believe it... Marie is pg too??? Good God!

I'm the last one left. All else have decided to make the voyage of fetus carrying.
Guess your gonna have to get pg again - as I don't want to have a kid by my lonesome. ;-)

Boo ya said...

aww so cute! we miss you.